What is Ingress Protection rating?

What is Ingress Protection Rating?

Ingress Protection (IP) rating measures the level of protection against dust and water in electrical enclosures. The first digit indicates protection against solids (0-6), and the second against liquids (0-9). Higher numbers denote better protection, ensuring device durability and reliability in challenging environments.

In industries where electrical equipment and machinery are relied upon, protecting them from environmental factors is paramount. Whether it’s dust, water, or other foreign particles, safeguarding against these elements ensures longevity and efficiency. That’s where IP ratings come into play.

Understanding IP Ratings

IP ratings are standardised measures defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to classify the degrees of protection provided by mechanical casings and electrical enclosures against intrusion, dust, accidental contact, and water. The ratings are composed of the letters ‘IP’ followed by two digits and, occasionally, an additional letter.

  • First Digit (0-6): Indicates the level of protection against solid particles. A rating of 0 means no protection, while a rating of 6 signifies complete protection against dust.
  • Second Digit (0-9): Specifies the level of protection against liquids. A rating of 0 denotes no protection, whereas a rating of 9 indicates protection against high-pressure and high-temperature water jets.

For example, an IP68 rating means the device is completely dust-tight and can withstand continuous immersion in water.

The Importance of IP Ratings in Industrial Applications

For industries relying on heavy machinery and electrical equipment, such as those using overhead cranes and lifting equipment, understanding IP ratings is essential. Ensuring your equipment has the appropriate IP rating can prevent costly downtime and maintenance by protecting it from environmental damage.

At RGM Cranes, we recognise the importance of durability and reliability in our products. Our extensive range of cranes, and lifting solutions are designed to meet high IP standards, ensuring they can operate in even the harshest environments. By selecting the right IP-rated equipment, you can enhance operational safety and prolong the lifespan of your machinery.

Choosing the Right IP Rating

When choosing equipment, you need to consider the environment that needs to operate in. For dusty environments like construction sites, a higher first-digit rating is crucial. For wet conditions, such as those found in marine or wash-down areas, a higher second-digit rating is necessary.

Investing in the right IP-rated equipment not only boosts productivity but also minimises the risk of damage and downtime.

Ingress Protection Ratings Guide
IP Rating Protection Against Solids Protection Against Water
0 No special protection. Not rated (or no rating supplied) for protection against ingress of this type. No protection
1 Protection from a large part of the body, such as a hand (but no protection from deliberate access), and from solid objects greater than 50 mm in diameter. Protection against vertically falling droplets such as condensation or dripping water, ensuring that no damage or interrupted functioning of components will be incurred when an item is upright.
2 Protection against fingers or other objects not greater than 80 mm in length and 12 mm in diameter (accidental finger contact). Protection against water droplets deflected up to 15° from vertical.
3 Protection from entry by tools, wires, etc., with a diameter of 2.5 mm or more. Protected against spray up to 60° from vertical.
4 Protection against solid objects larger than 1 mm (wires, nails, screws, larger insects and other potentially invasive small objects). Protected against water splashes from all directions. Tested for a minimum of 10 minutes with an oscillating spray (limited ingress permitted with no harmful effects).
5 Partial protection against dust that may harm equipment. Protection against low-pressure water jets (6.3 mm) of directed water from any angle (limited ingress permitted with no harmful effects).
6 Totally dust tight. Complete protection against dust and other particulates, including a vacuum seal, tested against continuous airflow. Protection against direct high-pressure jets.
7 Protection against full immersion for up to 30 minutes at depths between 150 to 1 000 mm (limited ingress permitted with no harmful effects).
8 Protection against extended submersion under higher pressure (i.e. greater depths). Precise parameters of this test will be set and advertised by the manufacturer and may include additional factors such as temperature fluctuations and flow rates, depending on equipment type.
9 Protection against high-pressure, high-temperature jet sprays, wash-downs or steam-cleaning procedures. 

This rating is most often seen in specific road vehicle applications (standard ISO 20653:2013 Road Vehicles – Degrees of protection).

For RGM Cranes, understanding IP ratings is crucial. Our equipment often operates in demanding environments where exposure to dust, water, and other elements can impact performance and safety. By utilising IP-rated components, we ensure our cranes maintain optimal functionality and longevity, providing our clients with reliable, high-quality lifting solutions tailored to their specific needs.

Not sure what IP rating your equipment needs? Our team of experts will be able to guide you in the right direction.

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